
We Install Solar Panels in Coffs Harbour

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vestibulum, nisl eu pulvinar pulvinar, nunc nisi sagittis magna, in interdum lacus diam sit amet erat.Cras a dapibus mi. Maecenas ut tristique nibh. Duis vulputate et orci in tincidunt. Etiam pellentesque ex nec nulla vehicula accumsan.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vestibulum, nisl eu pulvinar pulvinar, nunc nisi sagittis magna, in interdum lacus diam sit amet erat.Cras a dapibus mi. Maecenas ut tristique nibh. Duis vulputate et orci in tincidunt. Etiam pellentesque ex nec nulla vehicula accumsan.

Make the Switch. Save the Planet!

Are you sick and tired of paying pricey energy bills in Coffs Harbour? Do you want to lower your environmental impact? Here at Steve Black Electrical in Coffs Harbour we can help! We’re experts in installing and designing solar panels and systems, easing you into renewable energy.

We’ll source and install every component, aligning to your home’s specific needs as well as your budget. Our team uses trusted provider Enphase; we believe this company produces the most reliable and maintainable products available right now but we can also install DC String Systems. The differences are detailed on the Enphase website.

We’ve seen their quality and consistency first hand. Every system comes with a 15-year warranty on the panels, 35-year overall performance warranty and a 10-year warranty on the micro inverter.


Honesty is Our Policy

Here at Steve Black Electrical, we believe that honesty is the best policy. We’ll always keep an open line of communication and provide an honest evaluation of your property—including the required work.

We do offer, and can install, cheaper string systems, however, we believe these can be subject to unnecessary failure and won’t provide the best results. For example, if one of the panels in the series is damaged, all subsequent panels can no longer provide any power. This is why we recommend micro inverter set-ups, where each panel operates independently.

For any questions on solar set-ups, or how we can install them at your industrial or commercial workplace, call our team today.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vestibulum, nisl eu pulvinar pulvinar, nunc nisi sagittis magna, in interdum lacus diam sit amet erat.Cras a dapibus mi. Maecenas ut tristique nibh. Duis vulputate et orci in tincidunt. Etiam pellentesque ex nec nulla vehicula accumsan.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vestibulum, nisl eu pulvinar pulvinar, nunc nisi sagittis magna, in interdum lacus diam sit amet erat.Cras a dapibus mi. Maecenas ut tristique nibh. Duis vulputate et orci in tincidunt. Etiam pellentesque ex nec nulla vehicula accumsan.
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